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KRDI in Transplant-Eligible MM

Notify the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation You Are Interested In This Trial


Third Opinion Trial Synopsis:
This study is testing how well a new medicine works for people with a type of cancer called multiple myeloma. The medicine has four different drugs in it. The study is for people who have just been diagnosed with the cancer and may need a special treatment called a stem cell transplant.
*Third Opinion AI Generated Synopsis

Trial Summary
This research study is testing the efficacy of an experimental drug combination for people with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma that are eligible for a stem cell transplant. The names of the study drugs involved in this study are: Carfilzomib Isatuximab Lenalidomide Dexamethasone

Locations & Contact

Fill out the form and "Notify Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation" to let the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation know you are interested in this trial.

Please share any additional considerations or concerns:
Example: Are you newly diagnosed? What treatments have you already been on?
