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Safety, Activity and Cell Kinetics of CYAD-211 in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma

Notify the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation You Are Interested In This Trial


Third Opinion Trial Synopsis:
A study called IMMUNICY-1 is being done to see if a drug called CYAD-211 is safe and works well for grown-ups with a type of cancer called multiple myeloma. This study is for people who have tried other treatments but their cancer came back or didn't go away. To prepare for the treatment, these people will get medicine to lower their immune system before they get CYAD-211.
*Third Opinion AI Generated Synopsis

Trial Summary
The purpose of the IMMUNICY-1 study is to assess the safety, activity and cell kinetics of CYAD-211 in adults with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma after a lymphodepletion regimen with fludarabine and/or cyclophosphamide

Locations & Contact

Fill out the form and "Notify Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation" to let the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation know you are interested in this trial.

Please share any additional considerations or concerns:
Example: Are you newly diagnosed? What treatments have you already been on?
